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Introduction to Hotel Engineering Department (Revision-4)



Equipments, plants and machinery are very important for achieving guest satisfaction. Substantial part of the investment in the hotel industry is in its physical plants. At times, it is more economical to replace equipments before it completely breaks down.

Equipments / Items / Machinery / Plants replacement is categorized as:

Equipments which gradually deteriorate due to wear and tear
Equipments which fail suddenly without any warning


Demand for more number of equipments: This situation arises when the existing number of a particular type of equipment cannot meet the full demand of the hotel.
E.g. A bigger DG Set is to be installed, as the small DG sets installed earlier cannot meet the full demand and there is no physical space for an additional DG set. Hence, the only option is to go in for a bigger DG set.
Excessive and frequent maintenance: When the equipment and devices become old, they need frequent maintenance. The frequency of maintenance becomes more and more with passage of time and more money are spent. Sometimes non-availability of spare parts makes maintenance impossible. In such situations, replacement becomes the only option.
Advance Technology: Technological advancement is a continuous process and in a short span,  we get improved version of the equipment with new technology. Latest technology equipments become an added attraction for guests and customers. Hotels also replace equipments to remain in business competition.
Decreasing Efficiency: Sometimes with time old equipments do not give the required efficiency. No amount of maintenance work helps to improve their efficiency.
Due to failure: Some equipments breakdown all of a sudden.
To maintain symmetry: Some equipments need to be replaced to maintain the symmetry.


There are certain categories of equipment that normally do not require maintenance activities while in service. During their lifetime, they operate and give service more or less to the design level and then fail suddenly.
E.g.: Electric lamps, MCB’s, sensors, detectors, washers, valves etc.


Reduced replacement cost per unit.
Safeguards the good will of the property.
Discounts are available when units are purchased in bulk for group replacement.


Equipment replacement is, thus, a vital decision in the hospitality industry.
The decision of replacement is usually taken by the maintenance department in consultation with the finance department.
It involves many considerations.
In case of high value capital items, the final decision is taken by the management.


Spot replacement, as the items fail
Group replacement at a define time, replacing items as they fail
Group replacement at a define time, with no replacement of items that have failed

The procedure is to follow an ideal replacement cycle of replacement cycle, which can be expressed in hours, days, months, or years. Example:

Incandescent lamps

Rooms are in use 10 hours per day and an average of 5 days per week.

Consider that there are 4.33 weeks per month.

Average usage per month: 10 X 5 X 4.33 = 216.5 hours

If lamps have an average life of 1000 hours, the average life in a 
meeting room will be 1000/216.5 = 4.6 months, or 5 months.

Replacement cycles can be estimated as follows:

2.5 months: 50 percent

4 months: 75 percent

5 months: 100 percent

6 months: 125 percent

7.5 months: 150 percent

The complete analysis will reveal the least costly policy. The alternatives are:

1. Spot replacement, replacing items as they fail.
2. Group replacement at various times, with spot replacement of items that fail Group replacement alternatives are numerous, as indicated in figure 1.4, such as replacing incandescent lamps at 2.5 months, 4 months and 5 months, and at monthly intervals through 7.5 months.
3. Group replacement at various times (same replacement cycles as in alternative 2), but spot replacements are not made. Group replacement occurs when 5 to 10 percent of the devices have failed.


A work order is a document that provides all the information about a maintenance task and outlines a process for completing that task. Work orders can include details on who authorized the job, the scope, which it is assigned to, and what is expected.

YOU WILL MEET WITH NEW PEOPLE: It gets harder and harder to meet new people, as we get older. However attending a workshop will give you a chance to meet new people with similar interests, in a relaxed and fun setting, without stress, pressure or expectation.
YOU WILL LEARN SOMETHING NEW: The easiest, fastest and most fun way to learn something new is under the guidance of an experienced instructor who can help you bring your ideas into reality.
STEP OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE: Many people go through their entire lives without stepping outside their comfort zone. However, here is what they do not realise – you do not grow and thrive as a person when you stay inside your comfort zone. That is why it is important to push yourself and have new experiences, meet new people and feel inspired by the things and people around you.
NEW WAYS OF THINKING: Nobody shares the same worldview, and his or her interpretation of something could be drastically different from yours. Fellow work shoppers may offer a startling unique view on your piece than what you see it as. Being exposed to new points of view can offer new insight and ideas.
NEW SKILLS: If the workshop is recurring or follows more of a class-type layout, it is entirely possible to learn something new. Even if it is not designed for teaching, it does not make an educational experience impossible.
MOTIVATION TO WORK: When you have an audience, you are more driven to complete your project. Being part of a workshop is great for providing such motivation as it is a promise someone else will view your work. Again, if the meet up is held multiple times and additional content is expected each time, it is even more incentive to create more.
KNOWLEDGE OF NEW TECHNOLOGY: Every Human being learns the new things on daily basis in his/her life. We all know that how rapidly new technology is in market. To operate with advanced technology we all need knowledge and that can be only possible with Training and Workshops.


In Hotels, workshop is name of place where all type of maintenance work goes on. Workshops are usually situated at underground level due to noise problem. Not all equipments can be repaired where equipments are fixed to operate. Therefore, those equipments need to repair at specific area like workshops. Heavy machines like welding are kept in workshop. There are many type of workshops i.e.

Electrical Workshop 
Painting Workshop
Carpentry Workshop etc.


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