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Refrigeration and Heating System in Hotels (HVAC) for Lecture Purpose

REFRIGERATION SYSTEM INTRODUCTION Refrigeration is cooling of food and beverage stores and wine cellars. Air-cooling and food storage depend on adequate and economical refrigeration systems. Refrigeration is necessary for complete, year-round air-conditioned comfort for hotels. Cooling of an object and the maintenance of its temperature below that of surroundings is called Refrigeration.                                                             OR Refrigeration is the science of producing and maintaining a temperature condition in a closed space lower than the surrounding ambiance by removing heat from the space and transferring that heat to another space or substance. Uses ...

Hotel Engineering & Maintenance- Unit 3 Notes with Different Resources

UNIT-3 NOTES HOTEL ENGINEERING & MAINTENANCE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MAJOR SOURCES OF WATER  Rivers  Lakes  The Sea  Rainwater  Wells  Artificial Lakes  Recycling Water SOURCES OF WATER-CATEGORY  There are two sources of water  Surface sources, e.g. rivers, lakes, ponds, etc.  Ground water taken out by water pumps, tube wells etc.  Recycled water e.g. treated wastewater used in hotels for washing and other uses than drinking or cooking.  Generally, surface water are found to be more potable than ground water if the bore-well is not been drilled until the water table beneath the earth.  As the primary source of fresh water are rivers, lakes, and ground water. If rivers and lakes become polluted, our water resources become seriously restricted because more water must be extracted from the ground. This presents a potential problem, which could limit growth of hotel in some areas.  The water table in many areas is falling public work...

Introduction to Hotel Engineering Department (Revision -3)

Main sub sections in Engineering Department Civil Engineer Areas of Concern  Building  Renovation  New Construction  Sanitation  STP – Sewage Treatment Plant  WTP – Water Treatment Plant  Drainage  Water Works  Roadways Mechanical Engineer Areas of Concern  Boiler  Refrigeration  AC Plant  Generators  Swimming Pool  M/C (Machine) Installation  Fire Fighting Electrical Engineer Areas of Concern  Electric Motor  Alternator Wiring  Illumination  Switch Gear  Sensor and Detector  Communication Store In charge Areas of Concern  Inventory Control  Spare parts Management Bin Card Stock Control GENERAL DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF ENGINEERING SUPERVISORS • Complete the life safety checklist of particular department Equipments run test • Assist in development of disaster response protocols. Respond and attend to guest repair requests. • Assist management in hiring, training, schedulin...